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Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training is a really big deal. It's a sacred and transformative experience. You deserve to feel fully seen, held, and pulled forward into your greatness by the program you dive into.

We are here to help you step into your magic and the unique impact you are meant to share with the world. We can't wait to support you!





This is a no-brainer. You will learn A LOT in our 200-Hour training.  The study of the asanas (poses) paired with learning and practicing class sequences are a deep focus in our YTT. Equally paramount is your understanding of yoga history, yoga philosophy, and yoga beyond the poses. Your willingness to learn and soak everything up will allow you to be an empowering and impactful teacher.



We believe that your willingness to explore, be curious, and try on new understandings is directly correlated to the transformation you experience from this training. You will learn new things about your own body, your own yoga practice, how to safely cue to all bodies, how to craft intentional classes and workshops, how to live in alignment with your highest and best self, and so much more...if you're open to explore



Embodiment is the art of dropping out of your head and into your body to feel and BE in your experiences, in your power, and in alignment with your truest self. You will also be guided through many embodiment experiences to help you understand concepts further. This element is likely not offered in other YTTs and we feel it's essential for you to evolve as a human as well as honor your own unique teaching voice and teaching style while creating a yoga teaching life and/or biz you're crazy about.



You are an ever-evolving human. And guess what? Your teaching will evolve too! Expansion to us means continuing to be a student yourself, creating space to seek out inspiration, and trying new teaching opportunities that you feel called towards. We support you and your expansion deeply. Not only within the container of the 200-hour program but beyond. All of our 200-hour graduates are granted access to any and every YTT in the future - free of enrollment fees. 

Yoga Equipment


Immerse yourself in the world of yoga.


deepen your personal yoga practice, discover the foundation of yoga that exists beyond the poses, Open Your heart and mind to Living more in alignment, and Leave fully equipped to teach safe, unique, and effective power vinyasa classes.


This program is for those taking the full 200-hour training or those with no interest in teaching yoga but simply want to feel more empowered in their own personal practice.

  • Level 1 Manual

  • Yoga history

  • Yoga philosophy

  • Meditation and pranayama

  • Yoga and your body systems

  • Yoga for all bodies and abilities

  • Study of asana and alignment

  • Study of your energetic anatomy

  • Empowering teaching principles

  • Yoga beyond the asana (poses)

  • Becoming an inspiring teacher



Price includes:

100 hours of training

Level 1 manual

Deeper understanding of self and personal practice

Confidence to teach a full 60-minute class


The deeper you go, the higher you ascend.


delve into your unique teaching style, explore the energetics and healing properties of yoga beyond the poses, and embody the empowering teacher within you. 

Upon completion, you will be able to register with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) - a nationally recognized certification that boosts your credibility as a yoga teacher.


Even if teaching is not in your vision for now, I highly recommend completing this level 2 training. We explore energetics and elements of yoga that will impact your personal life and you never know...teaching yoga in some way may be in your future!

  • Level 2 Manual

  • Advanced study of asana and alignment

  • Advanced study of physical and energetic anatomy

  • Advanced sequencing

  • Hone your teaching style and voice

  • Hands-on assisting

  • Class theming and special populations

  • How to prepare powerful, intentional classes 

  • The ins and outs of workshop facilitation (including restorative, yin, and nidra)

  • How to teach classes outside of Power Vinyasa

  • Yoga business and personal branding

  • Confidence to share your impact with the world

*Completing both Level 1 + 2 certifies you as a 200-hour certified yoga teacher.



Price includes:

100 hours of training

Level 2 manual

Qualifications to register with Yoga Alliance 

Deep personal transformation

Full-embodiment as an empowering teacher


Yoga Studio

hear from fellow world-changers...

Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 7.15.30 PM.png

Boopbod offers a high quality Yoga Teacher Training Program. The knowledge , support and skills I learned are immeasurable. Emily is the most understanding, passionate, and caring Yoga Teacher I have ever met. It was such an honor and privilege to have her lead my teacher training. It has changed my life and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life sharing all I have learned!


owner of @yogacodsm


All VIRTUAL weekends above will use the following schedule:

Fridays: 5 pm - 9 pm CST

Saturdays: 9 am - 5 pm CST

Sundays: 9 am - 5 pm CST

All IN-PERSON weekends above will use the following schedule:

Fridays: 8 Am - 9 pm CST

Saturdays: 8 am - 9 pm CST

Sundays:  8 am - 5 pm CST





The following Level 1 Training Weekend will be held virtually via Zoom: 

Weekend 1: 

JuLY 19-21, 2024


The following Level 1 Training Weekends will be held In Person in Des Moines, Iowa:

Weekend 2: 

AUGUST 9-11, 2024

Weekend 3: 

August 16-18, 2024

Pricing includes all training sessions, Level 1 manual, daily yoga classes, curriculum, in-depth teaching practice, and experiential workshops. 

Price: $1600

(-$200 Application Fee*)

Payment Plan Options:

$470 over 3 months

$285 over 5 months

$170 over 9 months

*$200 application fee will be applied to your enrollment when accepted.

The following Level 2 Training Weekend will be held virtually via Zoom: 


Weekend 1: 

sEPTEMBER 20-22, 2024


The following Level 2 Training Weekends will be held In Person in Des Moines, Iowa:

Weekend 2:

OCTOBER 4-6, 2024

Weekend 3: 

october 18-20, 2024

Pricing includes all training sessions, Level 2 manual, daily yoga classes, curriculum, in-depth teaching practice, experiential workshops

Price: $1600

Payment Plan Options:

$470 over 3 months

$285 over 5 months

$170 over 9 months

Registering for the full 200-hour training? See payment plan pricing on application!


Is teacher training right for me?

In short, if you are open to learning and growing alongside like-minded peers, this program will serve you 100%! You will be best prepared if you are comfortable with basic yoga poses and sequences (Sun As and Sun Bs). If the above is true and you have been thinking about becoming a yoga teacher, then heck yes! The time is now!


Is it true there is a discount if I register for the full 200-hour program (vs. just Level 1)?

Yes! You will receive $200 off of the total enrollment fee when you commit to doing both Level 1 + Level 2.


Are there payment plans available?

Yes, absolutely. 3 and 5 and 9 month payment plans are available to you. See the application form for more specifics.

What if I have a scheduling conflict with one or more days?

If your ultimate goal is to complete the 200-hour program, all dates and times are required to earn your certification. Every day will be loaded with information and important experiences you will not want to miss. If you must miss hours, you will need to make them up by coordinating times with Emily. Additional costs may be necessary. Contact us if you have concerns.


When do I get my certificate?

You will receive your certificate(s) on the last day of training unless you have yet to pay your remaining balance. As soon as you are paid in full, you will receive your certificate and can officially advertise and market yourself as a yoga teacher. 



What if Power Vinyasa is not my style of choice? Will I Iearn how to teach other styles of yoga?

I'm so glad you asked! While the training will be based on a Power Vinyasa class structure, we believe this structure prepares you to teach so many other class styles. The training also includes practice teaching different populations and various workshops to suit you! We assure you will feel equipped to teach the classes that speak to you by the end of the 200-hours.



Can I participate in trainings if I am a previous YTT-grad or want to use the trainings as continuing education?

You sure can! Our programs are open to new trainees as well as those who have previously graduated from our YTT program, those who want to brush up on their teaching skills, or teachers who want to participate in trainings for continuing education credit. Please email us at to see which level is right for you and to register.

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